You probably already know about the benefits of receiving a cell tower lease buyout in exchange for your cell site rent, but are you still wondering what the actual terms entail? Whether you’ve already signed a contract with APWireless Canada or are still deciding if it’s the right thing for you, learning more about the terms and conditions of a cell tower lease buyout is sure to give you peace of mind.
Your Property Remains Your Own
A cell tower lease buyout does not affect the ownership of the property in any way, nor the rights that the wireless carrier has in the lease agreement. As the property owner, you will receive a prepayment in the form of a lease buyout in exchange for the right to receive future cell site rent from the carrier.
It’s important to note that APWireless Canada buys the rights to receive cell tower or rooftop antenna rent for a specified period of time. This means that the right to receive rent for your cell site will revert back to you once this period ends.
Your Contract With APWireless Canada
A contract is signed before a notary and recorded on title in order to specify the terms and conditions of a cell tower lease buyout. Doing so ensures that everyone’s rights are protected, even if the property changes hands or if the wireless provider decides to dismantle the cell tower at any point.
The legal term for this type of transaction is “leasehold interest.” In some cases, we may also seek an “easement,” which is simply the right to use another person’s real estate for a specific purpose, i.e. telecommunications.
Variables in a Cell Tower Lease Buyout
There are many variables and risk factors involved in determining the amount of a lease prepayment. Placing a value on a cell site lease will take into consideration variables like the cell tower or rooftop antenna location, the rent being received, the wireless carriers on your property, the terms of the lease and the duration, amongst other things.
Rest assured that we will never present you with a cookie-cutter contract. As each situation is unique, our financial offer will be tailored to fit your needs.
What You Can Expect from a Cell Tower Lease Buyout
APWireless Canada makes every effort to close transactions quickly and wire the funds to you as efficiently as possible using an escrow account.
You are fully entitled to keep the complete up-front lump sum even if your wireless carrier opts for a lease termination during the lease buyout period. Basically, the agreement transfers the risk of cell site lease termination to APWireless Canada unconditionally. There are no strings attached.
Are you wondering what your wireless carrier has to say about you partnering with APWireless Canada? Wireless carriers in every jurisdiction where we do business accept and recognize lease prepayments. In the unlikely event that your tenant has a “Right of First Refusal” clause in the lease, we will seek approval.
Do you have any more questions? Feel free to consult our FAQ section or Contact Us at your convenience.